hbar edge

A (nother) Theory of Light - by Dipl. Ing. Horst H. Gruhle .

If you ever wanted to know the inner workings of the Photon and the Electron (?) then you are probably one of the few people this book is written for. Not too "up to date" with the latest "Quantum Theoretical Mathematical yoga" (?) Not a problem ... no advanced maths needed.

Quantum Theoretical Mathematics

We will walk you through the elementary physics of "Space, Light and Time" in a way that you can actually understand ... It all makes sense (!) No Advanced Diploma needed either ... just some basic physics knowledge.

See what this book has to offer. The following index will give you a rough idea of the topics. Don't skip the "vorwort" (preface) as it has some vital pointers included. The summary is brief and just enough to "wet your appetite" for what's to come.

A few surprises are in store i.e. "What photons and electrons are actually made of" (including detailed models of their structure) ... "What is mass and what is gravity" or "Why gravity is vital for the creation of particles" ... "What exactly is our space made of" ... "Where does inertia actually come from" ... and much much more mind and space bending stuff.

Make sure to send me an email (I don't expect many :) and I'll forward a copy of this book to you. More importantly, I don't expect any "scientists" willing to lower themselves to "my standards" (no offence intended) and spend any time reading this book, although, anyone is welcome ... but I'm sure there are some "lesser scientists" open to new ideas and looking for a new perspective ... but probably not many.

This book is not written in a strictly "scientific format" ... that's the whole point of it ... to be more accessible to a wider community. So, if you are happy to go along with this ... welcome to the journey.

Anmerkung: Teil 1 dieses Buches ist jetzt auch auf Deutsch übersetzt (Verlinkung am ende dieser Seite)

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Part 1 of this book (Introduction) can be viewed here:

English: PART 1 of 2 (Introduction and general topics)

Deutsch: Übersetzung von Teil 1 (Einführung)

Or here (for mobile devices):

English: PART 1 of 2 (Introduction and general topics)

Deutsch: Übersetzung von Teil 1 (Einführung)